I left my lappy back at the office last Friday... Hence the no update or entries til today since I was unwell on Monday...
One of my fave things to do over here in KL is to go to a bookstore and check out the latest books - be it fictional, self-help, sports or even cooking/baking... ;)
For the past one month, I've been buying a number of self-help books... I can assure you that there's nothing wrong with me... :P It's just that sometimes you need those books as constant reminders to be positive and optimistic in this ever-challenging world that we live in :)
So I'd recommend these books to all of you should you need to be 'lifted' (spiritually and mentally)... ;)
1. Happiness Now - Andrew Michaels

It's about balancing your life in relation to your relationships with your partner or family, career and peace of mind... And the book features pretty funny illustrations... A light read before bedtime :)
2. The Rules of Life - Richard Templar
Well I'd say this book pretty much has common sense written on every page/section, but it serves as a great reminder to all of us since we're usually bogged down with things in our life... :)
I'm still half-way through this book since I like to read a couple of books in between... Hehe...
3. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff - Richard Carlson
I bought this book because a couple recommended this book to me and that it was one of the bestselling ones...
This book actually help you see common daily situations in your life in a different light... You'll ponder on things and try to make them (whichever chapter you're at) work for you in real life... A good read!
4. Girlosophy - Anthea Paul

This one of the first books that I bought when I first came to Melbourne.... Simply because of the title of the book... It's filled with inspirational quotes and eclectic wisdom on life.. Definitely helped me through my lonely/homesick days in Melbourne... A must-read for the girlies out there :)
So there you go! I find that these books are extremely helpful whenever I tend to be on the demotivated aka the dark side... Hehe... Oh, and whenever I'm on a mission, be it on running, dieting or looking for love *wink*
If you've other book(s) to recommend, feel free to let me know yeah... :)