Last Sunday, two of my very good friends ran the historic Berlin Marathon...
Hence, this post is dedicated to the both of them :)
My fellow penyeri, Nyna is a sub 5:30 marathoner now!
Another PB for her!!! Woot woot!!! :D
My oprah lady, Rosey completed the marathon even with her knee injury...
Managed to BBM her while she was running... So proud of you rosey!!! :D
Also congrats to Alvin, Jeff and Viki for completing the marathon! :)
The awesome medal...
All of the pics above were taken from Rosey's FB
The three of us had a mission this year and that was to run one of the 5 World Marathon Majors... And Alhamdulillah, both of them have accomplished that...
And it's going to be my turn supersoon...
Oh, the anxiety!!! *Drama* :P